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Thursday, 3 March 2016

Pom Pom Party Palace

Working on unusual projects and doing new things is one of the things I love most about my job, and this week I was given the (ridiculously fun and exciting) task of making 50 pom poms for an epic pom pom garland which will hopefully be used on a film set! EEEEEP! It was a really short turnaround, but I work best with a deadline.

Although staying up till 2am watching Community and making fluffy rainbow coloured pom poms might not be everyone's idea of an awesome time, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Working to a new colour scheme was very refreshing, and making pom poms instead of jewellery definitely made for a nice change of pace!

 And here they are all strung up together into one ridiculously long garland. All boxed up and ready to go to their new home, I almost didn't want to give them up! But I think I will need to make mysele one now, maybe in a different colourway.


  1. How did you join them like that? I'd be grateful to know as I wanted to make one. I presume you have a pompom maker?x

  2. Ah Kezzie just asked the exact two questions I was about to ask :)


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