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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

ladybird likes

1. love the colour palette of these flowers in bottles (plus the fact that the bottles are decorated with washi tape - is there anything you can't do with that stuff?!) // 2. if anyone wants to buy me this mug I will love you forever // 3. this is painfully and frustratingly too (well, it is in my case anyway!) //4. okay. I may have a child just so I can dress them up like Bowie // 5. oh, how amazing are these envelope liners made from recycled vintage papers?


  1. Oh how lovely are those glass bottles, I have some and some washi tape *rushes off to make some!
    nataliejtc.blogspot.co.uk x

  2. haha! i can totally relate to no. 3!! and no. 4 is so cute! (perfectly acceptable reason to have a child) x


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