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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Pick Me Up 2015

 I am so behind on blogging it's embarrassing. Life has gotten on top of me lately, and so many jobs have fallen by the wayside, including blogging. And once you get out of the loop a bit, it seems to be such a slippery slope, as you see everyone else doing such great things, and there is a lot of self-pity and questioning your ability. But consider this my attempt to get back in the game! Here are some pics from this year's Pick Me Up. I was there on business (running a workshop for Ohh Deer for the day - more on that in the next few days) so only had a quick poke around, and wasn't overly impressed actually. I've been every year for the last four or five years, and this year there just didn't seem to be as much to look at....

Ha, that little cardboard guy in the last photo was probably my favourite thing I saw - now I want to make loads and drag them around with me! Did anyone else visit Pick Me Up this year? What did you think? Also thanks to everyone who sticks around and reads this blog even though I am super flakey and unpredictable.


  1. You are a way more regular blogger than me!

  2. Phwar, I love the gold foiling and Boyz & Food!


I love getting comments and read every single one. I try to check out the blogs of people who leave comments, and reply wherever possible :) Thank you! xoxo