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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Modern Calligraphy Workshop

You may have noticed that lately I've been going to a LOT of workshops and classes, learning new skills and techniques. One of my goals for 2015 was to try lots of new craft-based things, plus since breaking up with my boyfriend I've had more free time, and have been eager to keep myself as busy as possible to take my mind off things. A few weeks ago I attended a modern calligraphy workshop at Drink Shop Do in Kings Cross. Organised by Quill London, the class was led by Imogen Owen, who is an established calligrapher and also runs her own letterpress studio!

 Quill London provided all the materials needed to get started, and we were able to take them home too which was awesome as then you can get practising right away without worrying about ordering the correct supplies. To start off with Imogen had us doing simple excercises to get used to creating thick and thin strokes, before moving on to writing out the alphabet, following a guide they had created for us. Calligraphy is definitely one of those things that looks so so simple, but is so difficult to do really well! Imogen gave us several demonstrations of her calligraphy skills, and everyone was oohhing and ahhhing with jealousy at how good she was!

 Finally we picked a word to practise writing out, learning how to join letters together and add our own personal touches and flourishes. I wrote out the word 'sweetie' purely because I liked the way the letters looked together.

Quill London run a number of different workshops, including Beginner's Modern Calligraphy (for those who have never done any before), Level 2 Calligraphy (for once you've done a beginner's class and want to progress), and also a Brush Lettering class, which I am going to next month. It was a super informative class, but calligraphy requires a LOT of practice to get anywhere near good enough at! I've been trying to practice as much as possible, and can't wait to share some more of my work with you....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing - this class looks right up my street. :) Love the pics too xx


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