The lovely folk over at Make and Sell Jewellery magazine (and at Etsy UK - thanks Emily!) were kind enough to include me in this month's issues 'Etsy Edit' feature which was all about geek chic jewellery. Being a bit of a (not so closet) geek myself, I found this extremely flattering as I like to think I create jewellery for all those people that are a bit geeky, and like things that aren't necessarily mainstream or trend-led.
Is it sad that I still get overly excited when I'm in a magazine?! I have to physically restrain myself from showing it to strangers on the bus.... Although my mum still wins the prize for most overly excited about my press coverage - she enlarges all my features on the photocopier, and then laminates them, just so we always have copies on hand. Ain't she the cutest?
Also it's so awesome when you are included in a feature alongside someone you know in real life and who is pretty darn awesome (yeah, looking at you Kate Rowland.) Love this handmade community SO much!
Amazing - congrats Zoe, I reckon it's OK to still get excited, plus your Mum sounds like a hero with her laminator. :) Leanne x