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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Art We Heart... Dionne Kitching

 The second artist I want to feature in our 'Art We Heart' series is Dionne Kitching. I first met Dionne at a Crafty Fox Market last year when we were stall neighbours. I absolutely adore her style of illustration, and of course the fact that she features lots of bears and wolves in her work, and regretted not being able to purchase everything from her stall! Fast forward to a few months ago, and I spotted this beautiful hand painted wood wall piece on her Instagram feed and knew he had to be mine!

 I adore peach, grey, and minty green together as a colour combination - I am currently planning out a crochet pillow/throw combo that uses those very colours. Although the piece is painted you can still see the texture of the wood coming through, and around the edge the original rustic bark of the tree is still on, which contrasts beautifully with the modern style of painting.

Thank you so much for creating such gorgeous art Dionne - I will treasure this piece forever, and hope to add more to my wall very soon! I'd love to hear who your favourite artists/illustrators/creators of art are - there are few things I love more than discovering new creatives to follow!

1 comment:

I love getting comments and read every single one. I try to check out the blogs of people who leave comments, and reply wherever possible :) Thank you! xoxo