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Saturday, 28 June 2014

gold shoes are my favourite

okay not the most exciting post ever BUT how awesome are my gold shoes?! unintentionally bought two pairs of gold shoes in the space of two weeks, and they are now my favourite thing ever! also, thanks to everyone who commented on my last 'thoughts and ramblings' post - you guys are AMAZING! we can all be uncool together (which in some weird way makes us cool, right?!)

I'm spending the weekend at my boy's house out in the countryside. we have two days full of outdoors eating, picking our own strawberries, drinking amaretto, and generally being lazy bums! hope you're all having a lovely weekend.


  1. Aha I'm like this with silver shoes may have to try gold. Sounds like a lovely weekend <3

    The Quirk Queer

  2. This is totally not a boring post!
    These shoes are absolutely GORGEOUS!

    Kelly from | Daydreams & Daisychains

  3. who doesn't love gold shoes ;)

  4. I LOVE gold shoes. Metallic is definitely a neutral - great for going with any outfit.


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