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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

summer shoes

Up until now I have never monetised my blog - I've never accepted sponsors, or anything like that, or been given freebies. But last week I was lucky enough to be sent these silver sparkly Toms courtesy of Leo Claims, who are specialists in medical negligence claims. They are going to be my go-to shoes for the summer as Toms are so so comfy - I have had a black pair for a few years and I've worn them to death pretty much! And now I'm thinking perhaps I should start opening my blog up to sponsored posts and the like? It seems a bit of a hot topic lately - I might write a 'thoughts and ramblings' post on it soon to see what people feel about it....

Getting these shoes has also made me realise I am woefully unprepared for my two week holiday in Austin, Texas - it's only just over a month away, and so far all I have to take with me are these Toms, and these new studded circle sunglasses I picked up in Monki the other week. I love them so much - perfect for wearing whilst drinking iced coffee and pretending I'm an Olsen.

I'm hoping to have a shopping day in the next couple of weeks so I can go and pick up some essentials - I've been after a pair of cut off denim shorts, and a denim pinafore, so need to hit the shops as the ones I've seen online look a bit meh.


  1. Oo, theyre pretty! Accepting sponsors or anything of the similar can't be a bad thing as long as you give your honest reviews which Im sure you do! But how random for a medical negligence claims company to send Toms and glittery ones at that?
    Enjoy Texas and the Sun!

  2. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought it was a little bit random that it was a claims company, but they are lovely and if you're happy with getting sponsors then go for it. I was thinking of getting some Toms for our holiday too...

  3. Random indeed, and surely a bit of scatter-gun approach on their part (unless twenty-something, female blog readers are a group particularly prone to medical negligence?!). Nice freebie though!

  4. I LOVE these shoes and those sunglasses are beautiful!! They def. remind me of an Olsen twin too!! :)

  5. oo sparkles! they're gorgeous :) x

  6. Random or not, these shoes are actually amazing. I love how sparkly they are! Perfect for summer times :) xxx

  7. Those shoes are absolutely beautiful, fantastic on skirts and it will shimmer in the sunlight.


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