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Thursday, 24 January 2013

list 50: books that i want to read this year

as part of my new year's resolutions i want to read more books this year. i always have a huge wish list on amazon, but somehow never make enough time for reading, although it is one of my favourite things to do. im keeping this list fairly short, as nothing is more daunting than having a long list and being unsure where to start!

1. World War Z by Max Brooks (need to read this before the film comes out in June!)

2. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

3. Damned by Chuck Palhniuk

4. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

5. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

6. Submarine by Joe Dunthorne

7. The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson

8. Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

9. A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin (the books which the Game of Thrones TV series is based on)

10. Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut

most of these are books of films. I'm not sure why, as generally speaking I end up hating the film once I've read the book. maybe it's some sort of masochistic need to hate something! but I am really excited about all of these - I am aiming to read one book each month (I know there are only 10 books listed here, but as the Song of Ice and Fire series is made up of 7 books I figured that worked out!) but I would like to actually read two each month, especially as some of these are fairly short. what books are on your 'to read' pile at the moment? I'd love some suggestions/recommendations if anyone has them xo


  1. My new years resolution was to read more too, i have just finished Victoria Pendleton's bio (that might not be the kind of thing your after reading but it was good) I love your list, Submarine is now on my list too, thanks!


  2. middlesex is excellent!
    would like to read Ian McEwan's latest - sweet tooth, Catch 22 (it's a classic which i've never read...), Caitlin Moran's how to be a woman, Kazuo ishiguro - Never let me go, after that I'll have a mooch about Brixton Library and the second hand book shop to see what catches my eye...

  3. I really need to read World War Z too! My Mum gave me her old Kindle so I've been doing a lot more reading since Christmas. xxx

  4. I haven't read any of these books! I've been a bit lapse with my reading recently and it's my new years resolution to read more so I'll add them to my list too :)
    Rachelle x

  5. Howl's Moving Castle is wonderful. I wasn't really taken with Game of Thrones, I think the series did it better to be honest. Thinking of Jon Snow being just 14 really squicked me out. He's too handsome in the tv show!! x

  6. My boyfriend read World War Z and lent it to me, its been sitting on my shelf for ages! Need to get around to reading it.

    I'd recommend 1Q84 or Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, he is an amazing author. :)

  7. Middlesex is brilliant Zoe so is Submarine and Damned. Being a book worm is the greatest.
    Anna (Custom Made of course)

  8. I really need to make one of these lists, so many books I want to read!

    And I love 'A song of Ice and Fire' my fave fantasy book series.


  9. I've read Middlesex and it's a bit of a struggle, simply because of the length and style of writing but you'll feel so much better when you can say you've read it! x

  10. 'Middlesex' was one of my favourites books of 2011, I loved it! : )
    'Battle Royale' by Koushun Takami is a brilliant, bloody fun book. You must read it! There is also the movie of the book, but it is nothing exceptional.
    I adore ASOIAF, George R. R. Martin is a genious ♥ Can't wait for him others books! :D

  11. World War Z is one of my favourite books of all time, and I couldn't recommend it highly enough! Howl's Moving Castle, Battle Royale and Revolutionary Road are also bloody good. All in all, a fab list! I'll be stealing a few off this too I think :) Ellia xx

  12. How many of these do you own? x


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