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Friday, 15 May 2015

Paper Animal Puppets

The lovely folk over at Ohh Deer invited me to run a workshop at their stand at Pick Me Up a few weeks back. I love any excuse to get creative and meet people, so obviously I jumped at the chance! The hardest part was deciding what to do - it couldn't be anything too messy, too time consuming, too difficult (in case children wanted to join in), and didn't cost too much in materials! I wanted something that involved making something from paper, and let people customise it to fit with their own tastes. In the end I settled on making paper animal puppets - we made these at primary school and I loved the idea of taking something quite childish and making it a bit cool and grown up.

I cut out a bunch of animal templates (I chose foxes, rabbits, and birds) from thin card, and provided a bunch of colouring pencils, pens, plus coloured card and glue for people to decorate their animals with. Then it was simply a matter of piecing the puppets together using paper fasteners. Obviously the best bit was decorating examples to use at the workshop - I may have gotten a little carried away!

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