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Sunday, 8 February 2015

things I love right now...

Something I want to do more of throughout the year is keep a record of the things I am doing/enjoying/thinking about each month. Taking time out from the craziness of life to reflect a little, and appreciate the things I have. So I will be posting once a month some of the things that I'm enjoying and am thankful for. I'd love it if any of you wanted to leave some things you love/appreciate right now too in the comments...

- having two doggies for company at the weekend (which is when we dogsit my Nan's dog Poppy.) I can't imagine not having at least one dog around the house at all times - it feels so empty when they aren't here.

- re-reading The Walking Dead graphic novel series - the latest installment of the graphic novels comes out soon PLUS the second half of the current TV series is back on in a few weeks, so it felt like the perfect time to re-read them. They are hands down my favourite graphic novels - I'm a huge zombie movie fan and they translate so well into this style too.

- the new The Whitepepper collection - currently lusting after everything and planning my next purchase, which I think may have to be the dinosaur print dress.

- expanding my repertoire of recipes (some good, and some not so good!) I've been trying to eat better since the start of 2015. Not a diet as such, just thinking more about what I eat and how much I eat. Cutting back on carbs, processed foods, and fizzy drinks, and eating more fruit and veg. One thing that always holds me back is my lack of skills in the kitchen, but I've been pushing myself to try lots of new recipes lately and, even though I've had a few disasters (melting a colander was a low point) I'm really enjoying it! Plus it's given me more energy, and I've lost a bit of weight as a bonus.

- exploring the potential of moving to Brighton - everything is a bit up in the air right now, but I feel excited for the future and seeing what it will bring for me and for my business.

- my new Blythe doll family - after lusting after other people's Blythes for around ten years (yup, that long!) I finally took the plunge and purchased a few for myself. I'm definitely a bit hooked, and cannot wait to add more to the collection. Also, I am addicted to shopping for Blythe clothing and accessories on Etsy! I've bought each of my girls an outfit, but think I made need more....

- making metal stamped jewellery - I recently bought some metal stamping equipment and am OBSESSED right now! May have got a bit carried away stamping rude words on to everything...


  1. Ah how exciting about a possible move to Brighton! Really loved your Brighton Etsy talk on Wednesday, it was ace. x


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