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Friday, 9 January 2015

i heart iphone photos

December was a crazy month. It always is, and I always know it will be, but it still manages to surprise me just how manic it gets! Working ridiculous hours, trying to juggle work and a personal life (admittedly very badly!), all whilst trying to get in the festive spirit. Plus, this year I had the added stress of moving into a new studio. I still managed to take a few photos though on my iphone, so thought I'd share a little round up of what I got up to during the month of December. (all descriptions are clockwise from top left)

 I made Christmas themed jewellery for the first time this year and they were a huge hit // there were lots of new products launched in December, including these mixed packs containing postcards, decals, and badges which I'm super proud of! // me and the boy-o went on a sourdough bread course which was AWESOME and we made these yummy bagels // I spent most of December looking like a hot mess thanks to no sleep and no time for personal grooming, so this is the only selfie I took!

 I love the sunsets we get in winter // my Bust Craftacular stallholder badge - love doing this craft fair each Christmas // a huge milestone for my little business was passing 4000 sales over on Etsy // I organised a Christmas card swap with some of my online friends, which was so fun, and definitely something I will be making an annual Christmas tradition

 me and the boy-o made honeycomb and chocolate fudge as gifts for our family - I'm a big fan of giving handmade gifts and this was about all we had time to make, but it seemed to go down a treat! // Christmas for me wouldn't be complete without a trip to Columbia Road Flower Market - I bought a bunch of gorgeous new succulents // one of my favourite Christmas gifts was this retro style record player JJ bought me - I can't wait to go record shopping for some new vinyl // I had a super relaxed and quiet Christmas at home with my family and the dogs, before spending Boxing Day with the mister

one of the most exciting parts of December was finalising on a new studio - although since then everything has gone a bit wrong (see previous post for all the details) I still wanted to post these photos as my December was full of excitement and planning and dreaming about my new space.

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