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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Books To Read in 2015

Each year I make myself a 'to read' list of books I want to/need to read over the next 12 months. I tend to buy books as and when I see them in charity shops and car boot sales (I hate paying full price for books when I can get them for 50p second hand!) then keep them on a shelf until I need something to read. This year I thought I'd share with you what I'm hoping to get round to reading!

1. Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger (it's sort of got my name in the title, plus I absolutely loved Catcher in the Rye!)

2. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham (one of those books I've seen pretty much everyone I know post about, so I felt almost guilty for not having read it myself)

3. The Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy (I have read most of McCarthy's work over the years, and this is one book I have been really looking forward to. I cannot praise his writing enough. This is three books in one, which I think has put me off as it's a pretty hefty tome, but I'm actually excited to get stuck in)

4. The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood (yup, this is the book that Zac Efron movie was based on. Haven't seen the film, but my obsession with reading books that have been turned into films apparently knows no limits!)

5. How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran (I saw a woman reading this on a train, and she was shaking with laughter at it. I bought the book purely based on this reaction, as there are few thinks I enjoy more than crying with laughter at a book.)

6. Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk (do I really need to say any more? This is the only Palahniuk book I haven't read and I've been saving it. I think once I've read it I may just go back and re-read all his other books for the tenth time.)

7. Yes Man by Danny Wallace (purely because I want to watch the Jim Carey film they made of it, but won't let myself until I've read the book!)

8. No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July (so much love for Miranda July. I've wanted to read this book for yonks now, and thought the time was right.)

9. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (yes, the book that inspired the Miyazaki anime! I am such a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan, so when I discovered this book I had to add it to the list)

10. The Green Mile by Stephen King (one of my favourite films ever, plus I have a huge soft spot for Stephen King. Might sound weird but I used to be obsessed with his books when I was about 10-12 years old. I've never really been a fan of reading age appropriate books!)

So there you have it - 10 books to read in 2015. I'm hoping I will be able to squeeze in a couple more here and there. Do you make a similar 'to read' list for the year? Or do you have any books you'd highly recommend? I absolutely LOVE getting books recommended to me.


  1. The Yes Man film is totally different to the book so I'd say watch away! I love everything Danny Wallace has done, his writing is hilarious. My friend just gave me Howls Moving Castle so I'll be reading it too :)

  2. I love Howl's moving castle but have never read the book, so I may have to pop that on my list. I'm currently reading "Yes Please" by Amy Poehelr, It's rather funny and one of those books that makes you think "I should totally be like that", I also want to read some Shakespeare?! I haven't looked at it since school and would probably enjoy (understand) it more now!

  3. oooooh!! what a great list of books!! the green mile is such an AMAZING book!!! (better than the film!!). happy reading zoe!!! xoxo

  4. Oooo I love this list and I love book recommendations! On my list this year is Gone Girl (I'm late to the party!), We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and The Shock of The Fall. Hoping to get stuck in with more reading this year too. :) xx

  5. How To Be A Woman is very very amusing! I really want to read more books this year.

  6. I have never done a reading - list before, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should!

    I usually otherwise read novels that have a historical connection, I think it's so exciting to imagine that the person has lived some time before!

    I must also say that I think your butterfly necklace is so cute! I ordered the white one yesterday :)


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