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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Creative Business Talks

Following the success of my last two creative business talks (both were sold out events!) I am super excited to announce I will be repeating both the talks with very limited tickets available for each one. I've had so many email inquiries about these talks, so this is a perfect chance to get the inside scoop and ask any questions you may have. I've been running my own business for almost three years now, and I love nothing more than sharing what I've learnt with others!

Below is all the information you might need - I really hope to see lots of your lovely faces there as these are the last talks I will be doing until next year.

Setting Up and Running a Creative Business:

Over the course of two hours I will be giving an insight into how I started up Ladybird Likes, and how I have grown it into a successful business that is now my full-time job in just two and a half years. I will cover key areas including;
  • developing product ideas
  • pricing your work
  • where to sell your work (including wholesale)
  • product photography
  • branding
  • social media and promoting your business
Although much of the session will focus on new or very young businesses, these tips and pointers will apply to any business looking to grow and develop.
The talk will be followed by an opportunity to ask any questions you may have specific to your own business - please note that this will be limited to around 20 minutes so I may not get to answer every question, but I will be available via email afterwards.
As part of the talk you will receive a booklet which will contain key notes from the session, as well as a business plan for you to complete. Guests will also receive a goody bag worth over £15!

When: Sunday 26th October 2014 from 2:30 - 4:30pm
Where: SMUG, 13 Camden Passage, London, N1 8EA
Cost: £15 per ticket which can be purchased right here

Promoting Your Creative Business:

For this session I will be focusing on promoting your creative business, both online and offline, and using self-promotion and social networking strategies to grow your business. I started Ladybird Likes just over two years ago, and the key reason behind my rapid growth has been promoting myself extensively. In this hour and a half talk I will share some of the ways in which I have successfully promoted Ladybird Likes, and give tips on how you too can make your business your full-time job!

There will also be time for a question and answer session at the end of the talk, where you can ask any questions you may have that are specific to you and your business. Please bear in mind that this will be limited to around 20 minutes, however I will be happy to answer any unanswered questions after the talk via email.

As part of the talk you will receive a booklet which will contain key notes from the session, as well as a self-promotion plan for you to complete. Guests will also receive a goody bag worth over £15!

When: Sunday 26th October 2014 from 12:30 - 2pm
Where: SMUG, 13 Camden Passage, London, N1 8EA
Cost: £15 per ticket which can be purchased right here


  1. This sounds so good, wish I was closer to you :C !

    ♥ Little Owl Diary

  2. awww. how i wish i live in your country! :"(


  3. It looks like you had a great time! Well, it really feels great when you're able to share helpful bits of advice to other entrepreneurs on how they can make their business boom. It inspires them to strive harder and achieve their goals that much faster. Thanks for sharing!

    Jesse Austin @ Charlotte Local Marketing

  4. That is very interesting, especially to those who are just starting up on their new venture. Usually, their biggest hurdle is on how they can promote their products, since a lot of independent craft businesses are starting to pop up. Anyway, I want to hear more on how this event go. Any updates?

    Chris Hatcher @ Red Stick SEO

  5. Congratulations on the success of your business talks! The key areas you covered should definitely be learned and applied by business owners who are looking to promote their businesses in today's competitive market. I'm sure a lot of people attended that talk as well. Thanks for sharing that, Zoe! More power to you! :)

    Clint Shaff @ Franchise Match


I love getting comments and read every single one. I try to check out the blogs of people who leave comments, and reply wherever possible :) Thank you! xoxo