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Tuesday, 12 August 2014


 I've been busy working away behind the scenes here at Ladybird Likes HQ getting my newest product range ready to show you all! I am an absolute stationery ADDICT (as well as being obsessed with jewellery obvs) so it seemed natural to try designing and making a range of stationery items.

 My first stationery items are a selection of prints - there are three different ranges which are, kitschy kitties, retro animals, and pastel colour quotes. I taught myself to create graphics digitally using Photoshop, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out!

 I will be using some of these designs (plus some new ones too!) to also make a range of greeting cards, pocket mirrors and notebooks (plus a few jewellery items too of course) in time for Christmas. The design process has been very different to creating jewellery pieces, but I've really loved it, and am looking forward to doing a lot more non-jewellery products in the future.

All of these are available right now in my Etsy shop - the other items will be coming soon too. I'd love to know which designs are your favourite!

1 comment:

  1. I need that Pinterest quote above my desk to remind me!! I also love the mermaid quote, I still feel that way. Actually I feel I was a mermaid in a previous life, would explain my red hair and how I don't like to eat fish?!


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