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Thursday, 14 August 2014

Fujifilm Instax Instant Printer

 One of my birthday gifts from Jonathan was a Fujifilm Instax Instant Photo Printer! I have been seriously ogling it for months now, since first seeing one pop up on some blog or another. But I already had an Instax Mini AND an Instax Wide camera, so thought it was probably not really a 'necessary' purchase (especially as I'm saving to go on holiday in like five weeks!) But JJ is such a good present buyer, and remembered me telling him once (or every single day) how much I wanted one, and lo and behold it's now MINE!

I figured I'd post a little review/side by side comparison with the Fujifilm Instax Mini so y'all can see what it's all about..... First up, the way the printer works is it creates its own wireless 'network' which you log on to like you would a WiFi connection. Then you have an Instax Share app on your phone (which is free to download, and your friends can download it too and use it to print photos from their phone too!) - you simply open the app up and choose your photo, edit it if necessary, then click print! SIMPLES! (you can also take photos directly, rather than using photos you've already taken. You simply click a different button and it uses your phone camera as the camera. So flippin clever!)

 Okay so the printer has two BIG advantages over the camera, which are;

- you don't have to carry the printer round with you (although you can do as it's about the same size/weight as the camera.) What this means is you can snap photos whilst you're out on your phone, then when you get home you can print them out as instant photos! Sometimes even when I have my instant camera with me I don't bother taking it out for photos (or just forget I have it with me) so this is absolutely ideal.
- you can select which pictures you like and see how they will look before you print. Although the newer Instax cameras have really good photo quality, and the close up lens allows for correction, I still get more photos than I'd like which are off centre, or aren't exposed quite right. The printer avoids all these problems so no more wasted images!

However I won't be abandoning my Instax camera just yet.... I do still think there is a place in my heart for such a cute camera. Although the printer does the same thing, there is something so novel about not knowing quite how the photos will turn out when you've taken them, ending up slightly less than perfect but being all the more charming for it. I absolutely LOVE my printer though - I especially like that I can print out multiple copies of one photo to give to friends or family. If you don't have an Instax camera yet and are debating getting one, I'd seriously suggest thinking about getting the printer purely for its versatility. It's a bit more pricey than the camera (only about £30 more than the newest Instax camera though) but definitely worth it.


  1. Great review! This has been on my wish list for a while but like you, already have the camera so couldn't justify spending the pennies. May have to put it on my gift list now. ;)

  2. Great review! I do quite like the idea of this instead of the camera, especially since you would be able to use it for holiday snaps a lot better too!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

  3. Ah I want one! This looks great fun! :)


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