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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

London Blogcademy part 1

London Blogcademy

I am currently sitting at my desk buzzing with ideas and plans and dreams - my mind is racing with all the things I want this blog to be, and all the places I want it to take me. For a while there I'd kind of lost my blogging mojo. Blogging had become something I did because I thought it was what was required of me. I wasn't giving it a lot of thought or attention, and had even grown to resent it slightly as I had to take time out from running my business to write blog posts. NOT COOL!

Over the weekend I was lucky enough to attend The Blogcademy. Run by three incredibly kickass blogger/business ladies; Kat (from Rock n Roll Bride), Gala (from Gala Darling), and Shauna (from Nubby Twiglet), it was billed as a weekend of good old-fashioned schooling on starting and running a blog. But it turned out to be SO much more!

London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy

Held in Curtain Studios, in East London, the space was a huge photographer's studio. All white walls and huge windows, it was absolutely perfect. The whole studio was decorated with handmade props and decorations in Blogcademy colours (which also coincidentally happen to be Ladybird Likes colours, so I was totally in my element!)

London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy

Although most of the event was centered around Kat, Gala, and Shauna talking and giving presentations, there was also lots of time for chatting with other attendees, and also to get one to one advice from the Headmistresses. It was so awesome being surrounded by like-minded people who understood why you were carefully arranging items on the floor for an Instagram still life, or who didn't shoot you weird looks because you were taking a selfie wearing glittery animal ears. Over the last year or so I have definitely noticed that the more time I spend around people who 'get' me and who are passionate about the same things as me, the more confident I get, and the more creative I become.

London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy

As part of the Blogcademy we all received a personalised 'report card' with areas we could improve on or things we could try out on our blogs. It was a really good kick up the butt for me, realising that other people could notice from reading my blog that a lot of my content was 'filler' rather than stuff I was super passionate about. I was totally THRILLED however that they all liked my blog design, as I've spent many years of tweaking to get it how I want it!

London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy

Throughout the event there was an artist doing watercolour illustrations of the girls and what they were talking about - they were seriously incredible, and I wanted to take one home with me! One of my biggest wishes is that I could draw or paint - I think its such a useful talent to have.

London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy
London Blogcademy

The only person I knew at Blogcademy beforehand was Harriet from Hello Harriet - it was so nice to see a friendly face there, as it was a little like turning up for your first day at a new school, wondering what people will think of you and if anyone will talk to you! Harriet brought along a bunch of tattoos featuring her illustrations (these were custom made for Blogcademy, but she has lots of other super cute ones in her Etsy shop.) We obviously had to put them on and pose for a billion photos with them!

London Blogcademy

I have a second blog post coming on Thursday focusing more on what I learnt at Blogcademy, and why I'd recommend it to anyone else who feels stuck in a rut or wants to push themselves forward. Thanks for reading xoxo


  1. wow it sounds so much fun! it must feel good to be surrounded with like minded individuals - which I crave for as I know it will do me more than good. although I know deafness shouldn't stop me but I do let it. I am also terribly shy and meeting those amazing people (and attending the event) is less possible for me.

    the venue looks great, just like blogcademy's branding. looking forward hearing more about it thursday!

    Katrina Sophia

  2. Ah wow nice recap! Can't wait to read the second part! I'm going to write mine in the next week or so if I get chance. Loving your pics too x

  3. Hello Zoe! Been a fan of your work since I saw it mentioned online in Ballad Of…
    I've always wanted to attend the Blog Academy as it looks really inspiring and insightful but currently can't justify the costs. It will be fantastic to read about your experiences and see what you thought of the day! I think you're blog is lovely - especially all the gorgeous photographs! I borrowed my sisters camera to try and get the hang of taking my own images for my blog too and it proved harder than it looks! I'm now following you on Blog Lovin too so I can keep up to date with all your lovely posts! Just wanted to say keep up the fab work :) X
    KR, Tabby www.tabbycasto.tumblr.com


I love getting comments and read every single one. I try to check out the blogs of people who leave comments, and reply wherever possible :) Thank you! xoxo