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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Studio Assistant Position

at the end of last year I made the difficult decision to go back to being a one-woman operation, which sadly meant letting my amazing studio assistant go. it was a tough decision as she had become a friend as well as an assitant, but I was focusing on saving money for personal things (like getting my own place) and I felt I needed to make that a priority. since then I have struggled with juggling all the things I want to be doing with Ladybird Likes as the business has had a bit of a jump in growth since the start of the year - right now just the day to day stuff like making stock and posting orders takes up most of my time, so there isn't much left for designing new ranges, promoting the business, blogging, workshops, markets.... so after a lot of consideration I have decided to advertise for a new studio assistant.

full details of the job can be fond over on the UAL careers page right here - to apply simply send me a copy of your current CV, plus a cover letter stating why you think you'd be good for the job and what you could bring to the position. I'm ideally looking for some with a love of crafts, who is involved in the London/UK craft scene, with a similar or complimentary style to my own. at the moment the job is only guaranteed until Christmas, but I am hoping to make it a permanent position. it is only a part time role, for two days a week, and will involve working from my home on the outskirts of London.

please help spread the word to anyone you think might be interested :) thanks guys!


  1. So what happened to your former assistant? Why don't you call her back? Give some kind of explanation, because this way, it sounds very weird, that you sent her away and now you're looking for someone else.

    1. Although I don't need to justify my actions, the reason is that my assistant left nearly six months ago so has gone onto new jobs since, as most people would have.

  2. I hope you find someone lovely to help with your fantastic business! I imagine you'll get loads of applicants cause it would be a great job to do!

  3. Jeez, that first comment was rude! The post clearly states why your first assistant went and why you now need another! Sheesh!
    Aaaanyway, I hope you find the perfect person - I'm sure you will. If anything I bet you'll have tons of applicants to choose from. I'd love to do it, if only I didn't live in the south west, booo. Good luck! xo

  4. Dear Zoe,
    this sounds exciting, will send you my CV today.
    Have a great day,

  5. These ideas are amazing and interesting.


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