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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Selina Lake Summer Fete

I'm sure many of you will have heard of the incredible Selina Lake - well on Saturday 5th July she is organising a Summer Fete style event in Guildford. She will be selling and signing copies of her newest book, and there will be loads of vintage and handmade stalls, plus a cake stall, vintage tearoom, and a flower stall! Oh, and I will be there too selling my Ladybird Likes jewellery. It's only £1 to get in, and the first people through the door get a Mollie Makes goodie bag!

I really hope lots of you lovely bunch are able to make it - it should be a fab event. It's indoors at The Guildhall (on the High Street) so will be on come rain or shine. Any Surrey locals going to be paying it a visit?

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