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Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Creative Business Talks

would you like to learn more about setting up and growing your own creative business? not sure where to start, or feel like your business is currently stuck in a rut? or perhaps you want to grow your business and learn how to promote it better? then why not come along to one of the two talks I will be giving!

the first talk focuses on setting up, running, and growing a creative business. although it will cover all the basics, so is perfect for anyone in the early stages of setting up a business, it will also cover tips on running and growing your business that are perfect for people with more established businesses. topics will include creating a business plan, branding and packaging, social networking and blogging, product photography, press and PR, and product development. the details are;

when: Sunday 6th July 2014 from 2pm till 3:30pm
where: SMUG shop, 13 Camden Passage, Islington
how much: tickets are £15 and are limited in number

the second talk will take an in depth look at promoting your business and getting your name out there. it's the question I get asked about the most, and I believe that it's through self-promotion and social networking that I have been able to grow Ladybird Likes as quickly and successfully as I have. the details are;

when: Sunday 17th August 2014 from 2pm till 3:30pm
where: SMUG shop, 13 Camden Passage, Islington
how much: tickets are £15 and are limited in number
order: click the following link to go to the booking site  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/promoting-your-creative-business-tickets-11918997041

each talk will also include free cake (yup, I said free cake, can't go wrong with cake, especially the free kind) plus a little goodie bag. there will also be notes for each talk handed out for you to refer back to, and plans for you to fill in and follow after the session. tickets are VERY limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. I really hope to see lots of you there, I think it's going to be a lot of fun!

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