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Thursday, 12 June 2014

Crafty Catch Up Club

in case you didn't see my instagram post a few days ago, I have decided to organise a monthly meet-up of creative types. a lot of the details are still to be figured out, but the first ever crafty catch up club will be held on Thursday 10th July from 6pm till 9pm, at Hawkhurst Vault on Brick Lane (next to Tatty Devine.) it's totally free of charge, and is open to any one who works in a creative industry and who can get to London! the idea is just to get likeminded people in the same room to chat, swap ideas and tips, and to build up a sort of mini network. I will be setting up a Facebook group too, so we can all talk online and have a place to go and ask each other questions. I hope some wonderful things will come out of these events, and I hope lots of you can join us!

although the event is open to anyone if you'd like to come or you can't make this one but would like to be added to the mailing list, then please just let me know by emailing me at ladybirdlikes@hotmail.co.uk and I will put your name on the list  :)

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