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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

i heart iphone photos

march has been a busy and very exciting month here at Ladybird Likes HQ, and april looks set to be even busier and even more exciting! I can't wait! I thought I'd take a moment though to look back at some of my instagram photos from the last month.... (all descriptions are written clockwise from top left)

we were delighted to be invited to sell at the first UK Etsy x West Elm pop up shop // my favourite part of spring is when the trees are full of blossom - I walk past this one every day on my way to the post office // shooting the first ever Ladybird Likes video with my oh so talented other half // I found this in a box of treasures I'd forgotten about and shared a little bit about how Ladybird Likes came into existence!

 making a conscious effort to get more of my instagram photos printed out - loving these super cute photo strips // I finally visited the classic car boot on the Southbank and had the best time eyeing up all the vintage goodies // buying a whole tray of succulents to be used in an upcoming workshop // finally learning to crochet granny squares - I can't wait to start making a blanket!

 visited my first car boot sale of the season and picked up some great finds including this beautifully illustrated record // making samples for some new workshops I'll be offering up - so in love with this braided beaded necklace // making new crafty friends who want to do handmade swaps with you is the best - I got this amazing ladybird brooch from Luna on the Moon // celebrating one whole year with this boy - he bought me instagram marshmallows!

if you're not already following me on instagram then please do - I share lots of little snippets of my life over there and my instagram name is @ladybirdlikes xoxo


  1. so much goodness! I really want to learn to crochet, so far I can barely do one line. next step, granny squares :DD

  2. Love your photos! They are all really great!!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!


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