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Friday, 14 February 2014

these shoes were made for walking....

first of all, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very very Happy Valentine's Day, whether you are single or taken, whether you're celebrating or not. I'm having a wonderful day - due to being under the weather it's been spent indoors wrapped up warm. I baked raspberry cheesecake brownies this morning, and the boy-o is cooking me dinner which seems like a pretty good trade! we weren't supposed to be doing presents - I have had a super busy few weeks and hadn't had a chance to go and buy him anything. but Jonathan surprised me with a Minnie Mouse toy (yeah, I'm a child, I know!) and two tickets to see Beyonce! best present EVER! I've been trying to get tickets to see her for years, so I am SO excited to finally see Queen B live!

these shoes arrived in the post yesterday - I bought them off a super sweet lady on Instagram, and they are Rachel Antonoff for Bass. it was love at first sight when I saw them, and they are now my favourite item of clothing I own! and obviously perfect for Valentine's Day!

what have you all been up to today? I hope you are having a wonderful day/evening whatever you're doing, and that in some way, however big or small, someone has made you feel loved....


  1. Those shoes are amazing! I also spent my day wrapped up warm trying to get rid of a stinking cold. A good excuse to cosy up by the fire and watch movies tho. X

  2. eeeeck - very beautiful shoes Zoe! x


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