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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

NYLON shop

one of my all time favourite magazines is NYLON mag. I've been reading it for about ten years now (god, I'm so old!) and still love it just as much as when I first started. so when a few weeks ago I received an email inviting me to sell some of my jewellery through the NYLON online shop, I pretty much did a little dance of joy around my bedroom!

yes, Ladybird Likes is super duper excited to announce that we are now one of the newest brands to join the NYLON online shop. there is only a small range of our items available currently, but we hope to add more in the near future. NYLON were also kind enough to feature some of our pieces on their Facebook page....

apologies for so many work related blog posts recently. I promise to try and post a bit more about my life in general really soon!


  1. awesome, zoe! i'd be pretty darn happy too!

    1. thanks lovey! it's so nice to be approached by a company you love as much as I love NYLON! it's defo been one of the highlights of my Ladybird Likes 'career'!xo

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