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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

knitting class

one of my new year resolutions was to learn some new skills - for years now I've wanted to learn to knit, and have tried to teach myself from some You Tube videos a few times, but always felt it was far too complicated and so gave up! when I saw the amazingly talented Siobhan from Bless the Weather was holding another knitting class, I decided to sign up and finally learn!

the class was held in Siobhan's home, and she served up tea and cakes whilst we learnt - pretty much my idea of heaven. if school had had cake and tea I reckon I'd have learnt a lot more! Siobhan is also an excellent teacher - she explained everything really simply, and showed us each step as we went along. I can now say that I can knit, which is super exciting!

I haven't actually finished a piece yet, as I decided to spend a bit of time just practicsing getting my stitches as neat and even as possible. But I have some grey chunky wool which I think I need to turn into a nice long scarf.... Thank you lovely Siobhan for finally turning this cack-handed girl into a knitter!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That's very exciting! I can crochet but have always been rubbish at knitting - just can't figure out a way of holding two needles and wrapping the yarn around but I am determined to crack it this year!
    Happy knitting x


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