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Thursday, 30 January 2014

valentines day collection: a sneak peek

okay, time to 'fess up. I have a guilty secret to share with you all. are you ready for it? I love Valentine's Day. not the whole 'spend loads of money unnecessarily to show someone you love that you love them on a specific day' side of things. I believe that should all just come naturally as part of a relationship. but, hear me out.... hearts? pink? glitter? silly puns on greetings cards? what's not to love?! seriously though guys - I've never met a heart-shaped/heart print thing I didn't love. with these things in mind, I wanted to share a few sneak peeks of my new Valentine's Day range which will be online on Monday (hopefully!)

 these brooches are made using images taken from vintage Valentine's cards - I love the little puns on them and the amazing graphics and colours!

 and FINALLY (I know so many of you have been asking about them, sorry it has taken me forever to add them to the shop!) the badge cards will be available to buy in a huge range of phrases! these are my absolute favourite Ladybird Likes item right now, and I've gone a bit crazy making loads of different sayings - they are perfect for Valentine's or any occasion!

watch this space for more information when the collection launches next week - all the items are extremely limited in numbers so you'll have to be quick if you want something in particular!


  1. ohmygosh!! These are all so cute!!!

  2. I like Valentine's for all the things with hearts too. It's the only time of year you get heart shaped fairy lights! I'm really excited to see your collection :)



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