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Monday, 11 November 2013

SMUG Christmas Pop Up Shop

 Last Thursday I attended the private view of the SMUG Christmas shop, and believe me when I say it is awesome. So many gorgeous things - I made a few cheeky purchases (some for myself and some for Xmas gifts) and have added lots of items to my Christmas wish list! SMUG are selling a few Ladybird Likes items in their store and online currently, including our arrow print wooden laser cut bow tie, which you can see in the flyer for the Christmas shop above. So pleased they included one of my bow ties in this beautiful set up. If you live in or near London then I'd highly recommend a visit to SMUG for all your Christmas gift needs.

I'm currently still recovering from an amazing weekend at Renegade Craft Fair - I will be blogging properly about the fair later on this week, but for now I'm catching up on emails and the like with a huge cup of tea.

1 comment:

  1. they have some lovely thing's. hope renegade was amazing, I wish I could have gone!



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